Friday, September 5, 2014

Jubilee Year

This year L'Arche, around the world, celebrates the 50th year of its founding by Jean Vanier, in France in 1964.  Last night the entire community, plus board members, friends and family gathered together for a joyful celebration with prayer, song and a skit by the core members, enacting the parable of the Wedding Feast, when the king prepared a lavish banquet for friends and neighbors, who all rejected his invitation with various excuses.  Then he sent his servants out to bring to table the sick, the poor and the lame.  It was a very touching dramatization.

Afterwards, all members and guests visited three of our homes for dinner.  The night before, we had taken several pounds of, what looked like chicken, out of the freezer.  When defrosted, we discovered it was white fish.  I agonized over how to make such an uninteresting prospect palatable.  Then the Lord sent Lisette, from Prayer House.  She formerly owned a restaurant, and is a born cook.  She went to work chopping garlic, onions, tomatoes and whipping up a spicy sauce, which transformed those creatures from the sea into a gourmet meal.

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